Rumble on the River presented by 7RRC
Saturday, September 23, 2023
Event Coordinators
Andy Baker
Mark Moulton
La Crescent High School
703 South 11th Street
La Crescent MN, 55947
Load In
Teams can load on Friday, September 22nd from 5:00PM - 9:00PM, or Saturday September 23rd from 8:00AM - 10:00AM. Please load in through the West Gym doors, marked on the map below.
Day Start End Activities
Fri 7:00 PM 10:00 PM Pre-load and Pit Setup
Sat 7:00 AM 8:00 AM Pit set up, Inspection, Check In, Load in
Sat 8:00 AM 8:30 AM Classes - Session # 1
Sat 8:30 AM 8:35 AM Break
Sat 8:35 AM 9:05 AM Classes - Session # 2
Sat 9:05 AM 9:15 AM Break
Sat 8:35 AM 9:05 AM Driver's Meeting
Sat 9:05 AM 9:15 AM Break
Sat 9:15 AM 9:30 AM Opening Ceremonies
Sat 9:30 AM 12:30 PM Qualification Matches - Morning
Sat 12:30 PM 1:15 PM Lunch Break
Sat 1:15 PM 3:45 PM Qualification Matches - Afternoon
Sat 3:45 PM 3:50 PM Break
Sat 3:50 PM 4:05 PM Alliance Selection (4 alliances)
Sat 4:05 PM 4:20 PM Break / Driver's Meeting for Elims
Sat 4:20 PM 5:35 PM Double Elimination Matches & Awards Ceremony
We will live stream the event online at TBD
We will be playing with the standard 2023 Charged Up rules, with no major rule changes. We will do alliance selection to form as many complete alliances as possible with the number of teams attending. If we have an odd number, top seeded alliances will get a bye.
The event is open to the public, spectators and fans are welcome to attend!
Team 2977’s Booster group will have concessions available during the event for purchase. A menu will be sent out closer to the event. Breakfast and lunch items will be available for cash purchase. Concessions are a fundraiser for Team 2977.
We will be hosting several workshop tracks in the morning on Saturday September 23rd. These will cover topics including programming, strategy, electro-mechanical design, and business. Stay tuned for specific topics and workshop schedule.
Judged Awards
In addition to awards for our competition winners, we will be giving out a few judged awards at MROC. Our judged awards are:
Programming Award (i.e. Innovation in Control / Autonomous)
Engineering Design Award (i.e. Industrial Design / Engineering Excellence)
Judges Award
The judging process will be like regular FRC regionals, with a group of judges talking to each team at their pit during the competition. The awards will be presented to winners on Saturday during playoffs.
Cost $300. Teams may pay by check (made out to Seven Rivers Robotic Coalition) or cash. Invoices and receipts will be sent to all registered teams. Payment is due by July 7th and can be mailed to the following address:
Onalaska Luther High School
Attn: Seven Rivers Robotics Coalition
1501 Wilson St
Onalaska, WI 54650
Personal Protective Equipment
Safety glasses and closed-toed shoes must be worn while in the pits and within the competition field area. Limited safety glasses will be available for public spectators, teams need to provide their own safety glasses.
Pits will be 10’ x 10’ and have power available, but we will not be providing tables. Please bring all the equipment with you that is required for your pit.
Machine Shop
Due to power and facility limitations, we ask that teams refrain from heavy machine use such as drill presses or band saws in their pits. We will have our machine shop open and staffed if there are any parts you need fabricated. Teams will need to provide their own material.
We are so happy that you will be attending our First annual Rumble on the River event. We would like to extend an invitation to be a part of this great event by volunteering. There are many ways that you or your team can help including Field Reset, Safety Glasses Table, and Pit Admin.
If you or someone you know is interested in helping out, please fill out this Rumble on the River Volunteer Survey. We will confirm volunteer positions about 1-2 weeks from the event.
Truck & Trailer Parking
Teams can park trailers / trucks in the parking lot overnight. Please park in the furthest south lot parking lot behind the West Gym, in the area highlighted below.